Well, I got bored, and decided to build sort of a fantasy computer in case I had the money to actually go build a computer. Anyways, take a look. It's just for the usual. My computer, want to multi-task between games, Photoshop, EP, blah. You know the picture.
I haven't decided on some things but I will and I will add them in. Comment please.
DVD Burner
Still need one. MATX's
Thanks guys.
Cooool!!!!! You should make a computer building kit guide :P I need a new comp...
DVD burner and HDD both have a lot of complaints, if you actually did build that PC i would look around a bit first and see if anything better is available
Also, no GPU, id recommend (realisticly at least)
Either a
9600GT or a
3850 since both of those will play most things well, plus the next year and a half or so comfortably, at a decent price. Both are fairly equal in terms of power, so its more a choice of ATI vs Nvidia (or,c for those 2 links, $15 cheaper and the witcher :P
building computers is easy.. The bits are like lego.. Just make sure that they are good bits and al is good.
roberth Wrote:DVD burner and HDD both have a lot of complaints, if you actually did build that PC i would look around a bit first and see if anything better is available
Also, no GPU, id recommend (realisticly at least)
Either a 9600GT or a 3850 since both of those will play most things well, plus the next year and a half or so comfortably, at a decent price. Both are fairly equal in terms of power, so its more a choice of ATI vs Nvidia (or,c for those 2 links, $15 cheaper and the witcher :P
But then wouldn't I have to go get a bridge because the board already has a chipset in it..
nope, you would only need a brigsge if you wnet for SLi/Crossfire. A single, deicated GPu will override an onboard one
if you were to get a better GPU you'd probably need a beffier PSU. do they have anythig bigger than 300w? As it is its a bit touch and go, running a quad core on a 300w psu....
screw that processor! Get the
intel e8400
3D renders will be slightly beter on the quad, but all around having a faster cpu, on 45nm, with 3mb cache per core, instead of 2mb cache per core is going to make everything better and its cheaper :D
Wee only trust and have great success wiht the
seagate 7200.11 series drives. They are the 'server class' ment to run 24 hours a day!
PSPkiller Wrote:if you were to get a better GPU you'd probably need a beffier PSU. do they have anythig bigger than 300w? As it is its a bit touch and go, running a quad core on a 300w psu....

But eff it, I went to down to a Core Duo as SchMilk suggested.
That's more what your looking for (ie, that kind of power, and that kind of price range)
Ignore that, your new one is better...damn slow internet