Endless Paradigm

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[Image: 95x93a.jpg]

I'm sorry.
this thread probably wasn't neccasary.
But DAMN... DAX has me really excited for this cfw.

It's like the old days again  [Image: biggrin.gif]

DAX web site is currently down.

Alek could just be doing site maintenance, or...  Inluv
SONY ninjas...

in our midst.
65% server maintenance.
55% 4.00 M33.
-20% Sony Ninjas.

I'd bet my money on server maintenance. D_A said it would be out by the end of the week so I'd imaging 4.00 isn't coming out until around Thursday.
dark-alex.org is now known as an untitled page :)
its working for me
Yeah it has been back up for a while,
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