Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Things that would've been ncie on the PSP
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From PSPUpdates: http://pspupdates.qj.net/Things-that-wou.../aid/81530

I think some built in memory (like a harddisk like in ipods) would have ruled, also at least some backup battery, now whenever your battery runs dead or you remove it it totally switches off and stuff, so you can't even swap batteries (which is neccesary because it only lasts for a few hours). also the plastic thing that covers the battery is spoon.

And then I need bluetooth. it would be way cool for a PSP to be able to send files to another PSP or even most phones or PCs or something. its not that hard to build in BT, why not ffs. Then to make space for all this they should have never introduced UMD in the first place because its spoon, they should have sticked with flash memory. it might get expensive, but manufacturers could chose to use 128mb up to 4gb of even 8gb for their games which makes it more flexible. and hackable. which is nice. Also, the PSP firmware lacks a few important things such as: IR remote control function, playing mp3's during games and browsing and a file manager.

anyone else got any complaints?
Hehehe, lol.  Yeah, all those features would be nice, but remember, it's Sony, and they want money...

Meh, homebrew For the win!  As for the hardware stuff... well, blame Sony :)
those would've been nice
and i think you can share photo's or backrounds...
Yeah but it would be cool if you could take pictures with a really nice 3.0mpixel cybershot cam built in, then bluetooth them to people's phones and brag :P After all, it is Sony, so its not that hard to build in a good (cybershot) camera... and hot swappable batteries are a must. Also they could still release a better battery for PSP (an official one), i guess battery technology has evolved over the years so if they would release a double-capacity battery right now lots of people would buy it. I know I would...
how about a psp which could hack other systems or psp's seeing the psp has been hacked crazy til now
for the battery
at least it's rechargable
for most controllers they aren't rechargeable
michaelp Wrote:for the battery
at least it's rechargable
for most controllers they aren't rechargeable

Handhelds have had rechargable batteries since.. the GBA SP. And there have been rechargable battery packs for every other GB model...

Just imagine having to replace 4xAA batteries every 2 hours  :P

the PSP2 has everything and does everything.

i kno i know :P

i say this thign that some guy made a battery with 3 xAAA or double a batteries
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