Endless Paradigm

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Hey guys,

I have been searching for this for some time. I cannot find the XMB icon offsets. Take a look.

[Image: iconsjs9.jpg]

My questions are...

1) Which column does what, e.g., region, PSP model, order? And, which values do what.

2) I know that the line  "0600 0000 1E00 0000 0600 0000 FFFF FFFF" is the Skype icon. What are the rest of the icons?

Any help is greatly appreciated.
In "0600 0000 1E00 0000 0600 0000 FFFF FFFF"
0600 0000 is the category (Network)
1E00 0000 is the order in the menu (Near the top'ish)
0600 0000 is if it is Slim or both models (Slim only)
FFFF FFFF is the region (All)

Just mess around and see which one is which. I can't remember off the top of my head. The one that starts with 0400 is probably 1seg, though. So don't bother with it.
Thanks man. Does anyone know, or least link me to, the offsets for each icon?
You can't just look at the order and category to figure out which one is which?
I beg to differ.


Well this guy knows. Look further in the thread, he knows connected display settings icon as well.
And what was I supposed to learn from that? >.> I've already done that. I had connected display settings and skype enabled on the 3.95 updated version of heartbeat. You are aware that in the time you spend looking for the exact offsets for each icon from someone else, you could just go find them yourself? Its all nice and lined up, you just have to make sure you have them in the right order (read the 3rd collumn) from least value being at the top. Its so much faster to just screw with the offsets and see what they do rather than ask around.
Why are being a pessimist? I asked for help, not criticism. And when you say "You are aware that in the time you spend looking for the exact offsets for each icon from someone else, you could just go find them yourself?" I completely agree. How many threads have I posted, how many times have I asked. I am aware it's ridiculously. Sorry man. Oh wait, that's right, I have only asked once and look how you act. The above link was when I was looking originally, before I posted. However, thanks for your original help, seriously.
Sorry, just a bit of a jerky mood. I'd blame a lack of sleep, but I really shouldn't be an asshole. I took the 'I beg to differ.' the wrong way and still don't quite get what you meant by it.
It's cool. When you said, "You can't just look at the order and category to figure out which one is which?" I said "I beg to differ" saying that I disagree because the kid in this thread obviously knew which ones were which.

Maybe ask robs1968?

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