Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Guests can't access threads?
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Pages: 1 2
When I tried accessing a few threads earlier when I wasn't logged in I get this

MySQLi error: 1114
The table 'mybb_captcha' is full
Query: INSERT INTO mybb_captcha (imagehash, imagestring, dateline) VALUES ('7798c09b423e749c98473b342de9836e', 'hanTp', '1214305057');

Zinga'll get to it...

Thanks for mentioning, Sparker
i only get that error when im not in log in my account
Slushba told me before but wee thought it was eXx1l3d ip :/
hellobonacua Wrote:i only get that error when im not in log in my account

wow...getting a guest error when your a guest

Who would have guessed...
roberth Wrote:
hellobonacua Wrote:i only get that error when im not in log in my account

wow...getting a guest error when your a guest

Who would have guessed...

MehHakker Wrote:
roberth Wrote:
hellobonacua Wrote:i only get that error when im not in log in my account

wow...getting a guest error when your a guest

Who would have guessed...



[Image: 6qfn20.jpg]
Senseito Sakura Wrote:/reference

[Image: 6qfn20.jpg]

hey what the fudge that ?

you always playing with me :(
lol meet the sm64hacker of EP...
Pages: 1 2
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