How do I make use of cintro on 3.90M33? What I need? Please give link for helpful tutotial if any. I understand there's a plugin needed to make this work?
pereeski Wrote:How do I make use of cintro on 3.90M33? What I need? Please give link for helpful tutotial if any. I understand there's a plugin needed to make this work?
Just tried RS AutoBootFixer.prx and cintro works too, just that the cintro kept on repeating, didn't exit to XMB. I guess AutoStart plugin by Roe-Ur_Boat (Exophase) does what I need. It's a good application to autostart your favorite application. It has an autostart configurator, wherein you can assign button to eboots or applications to run it while your PSP is powering up. I uploaded the files needed.
For Cintro: You need the CINTRO/pmf player (update from stalwart,coolj)
To Autoboot or Auto start CINTRO you can use Roe-Ur-Bouat's AutoStart plugin/application. You need to launch the AutoStart Configurator first from the XMB GAME Menu. Assign button from a list of buttons to your favorite applications, like CINTRO. I use Ltrigger to launch CINTRO while booting.