Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Help on Cintro
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How do I make use of cintro on 3.90M33? What I need? Please give link for helpful tutotial if any. I understand there's a plugin needed to make this work?

Like how to make the cintro video??? Or how to install it???
pereeski, Could you convert those themes in you sig to 3.90 or 4.00 when it comes out thoses look really nice.
pereeski Wrote:How do I make use of cintro on 3.90M33? What I need? Please give link for helpful tutotial if any. I understand there's a plugin needed to make this work?


if your using FAT PSP go HERE
Thanks for posting your replies/helps.

Just tried RS AutoBootFixer.prx and cintro works too, just that the cintro kept on repeating, didn't exit to XMB. I guess AutoStart plugin by Roe-Ur_Boat (Exophase) does what I need. It's a good application to autostart your favorite application. It has an autostart configurator, wherein you can assign button to eboots or applications to run it while your PSP is powering up. I uploaded the files needed.

For Cintro: You need the CINTRO/pmf player (update from stalwart,coolj)

To Autoboot or Auto start CINTRO you can use Roe-Ur-Bouat's AutoStart plugin/application. You need to launch the AutoStart Configurator first from the XMB GAME Menu. Assign button from a list of buttons to your favorite applications, like CINTRO. I use Ltrigger to launch CINTRO while booting.

it's quite useless to hold a button before the plugin starting....
well there is plugin which do not require holding the l button for 3.90 m33

Source: YouTube
matchung Wrote:it's quite useless to hold a button before the plugin starting....

That's okay for now as soon as the developer solve the "repeating" problem...
pereeski Wrote:
matchung Wrote:it's quite useless to hold a button before the plugin starting....

That's okay for now as soon as the developer solve the "repeating" problem...

shizzy posted v3 which has no button support and you can start backups on boot as well Yay
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