Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I want this!!!!
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Pages: 1 2
Source: YouTube

double you tee eff is it made of?? I wantz it.
that's really old...................................................
squee666 Wrote:that's really old...................................................

D: Sigh So was your mario vid :P
Still that's pretty awesome!!!!
omg i want one too!!! who cares if its old? man i hate it when people say that
jus cause its old doesn't mean its poo poo
wow slinky chair XD

* boogschd wants *

... i think its made of cardboard?
...What gives it its flexible properties???
I could imagine the slinky like frame but what lets the fabric stretch like that.
Also I suppose it is pretty cool but I would be worried about it collapsing on me and falling flat on my butt
really old and really fake ;___;
How can it be fake???
Pages: 1 2
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