Endless Paradigm

Full Version: load autorun eboot from somewhere else
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since autorun feature is fixed again in 3.30OE-A' and 3.40OE-A...

its really pointless however many people liked kando's cintro mod :neutral:
so it may be useful for some people O.O

Note: messing it up will probably full-brick your psp... which makes it even more pointless ;p

the path
is stored in
/kd/rtc.prx (note that the reboot.bin is embedded there)
you can rewrite the path to somewhere else.

to change the actual text displayed in the recovery menu you have to edit
the recovery.prx however I'm too lazy now to write up this part ;p
[Image: snap0005sa5.jpg]
Cool thanks for the info.
Wow, sweet :P
Please help, I have done this and it didn't work, I get a blue screen saying I need to press the O button to restore defaults... Could you please help me?
Cool,thank's for that.
jcsnider Wrote:Please help, I have done this and it didn't work, I get a blue screen saying I need to press the O button to restore defaults... Could you please help me?

Hi jcsnider! Welcome to the Paradigm... I not sure you really need to worry about this autorun function if you're not sure what the blue screen means - have you had much experience with PSP hacking before?  (Sorry if you have).
No I have just arrived to the homebrew scene I have been talking with bestronga about it and I think I almsot have it working...
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