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Full Version: [5.00m33] LIGHTNING Final Fantasy XIII
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osnap1584 Wrote:
abiriv Wrote:OMG...best theme u have done uptil know, would it be 2 much 2 ask if u updated ur dragonball Z CTF for version 5.00 CFW using all this info, because it would be so awesome and my respects to your creativity.

it's already updated check the ep download 5.00 themes download section...

FFXIII500 got a new music_player menu and lots of other tweaks and new icons,. so maybe i have to update some of my other 500 theme's,. ;p but i was thinking about Elfen lied and Ergo Proxy maybe DBZ,. also want to make new theme's,.. but first a little break,. ;)
Vegetano1 Wrote:
osnap1584 Wrote:
abiriv Wrote:OMG...best theme u have done uptil know, would it be 2 much 2 ask if u updated ur dragonball Z CTF for version 5.00 CFW using all this info, because it would be so awesome and my respects to your creativity.

it's already updated check the ep download 5.00 themes download section...

FFXIII500 got a new music_player menu and lots of other tweaks and new icons,. so maybe i have to update some of my other 500 theme's,. ;p but i was thinking about Elfen lied and Ergo Proxy maybe DBZ,. also want to make new theme's,.. but first a little break,. ;)

Ok I respect that and I already downloaded the DBZ CTf and thank you.  If you ever get a chance to do that with DBZ I would appreciate it and many others also.  I do not know much but I assume only the Intro, Gameboot and few other tweaks would have 2 be changed, but I am patient and can wait.

forgive me for my rudeness if any, by the way your themes are good and thanks again.
don't know much about FF XIII, a final fantasy VII theme would be awesome V1 advent children, crisis core please please Aha
J_G_ Wrote:don't know much about FF XIII, a final fantasy VII theme would be awesome V1 advent children, crisis core please please Aha

i already made a AC and i not going to update CC to 500,. ;p

FF7 would be nice or rather FF9!!
oh right you made one =D
i did search but couldnt find much
Vegetano1 Wrote:
J_G_ Wrote:don't know much about FF XIII, a final fantasy VII theme would be awesome V1 advent children, crisis core please please Aha

i already made a AC and i not going to update CC to 500,. ;p

FF7 would be nice or rather FF9!!

No CC Sadist ? I'm sorry to hear that, although I can understand since it's not a "V-Series" theme. May I request a NEW Crisis Core theme installed in a "V-Series" chassis Ahaa ?

I've been away for a while due to school, so I was shocked to find out that a new cfw had been released, let alone new themes for it too. Awesome job vegetano1 Woo !!! Thank you.
Hey, looks like a nice theme, but i don't know how to install it >.> don't understand the read me >.> PM me if you can help me XD
phrotac Wrote:
Vegetano1 Wrote:
J_G_ Wrote:don't know much about FF XIII, a final fantasy VII theme would be awesome V1 advent children, crisis core please please Aha

i already made a AC and i not going to update CC to 500,. ;p

FF7 would be nice or rather FF9!!

No CC Sadist ? I'm sorry to hear that, although I can understand since it's not a "V-Series" theme. May I request a NEW Crisis Core theme installed in a "V-Series" chassis Ahaa ?

I've been away for a while due to school, so I was shocked to find out that a new cfw had been released, let alone new themes for it too. Awesome job vegetano1 Woo !!! Thank you.
Dude how is you!! :) School is good Hihi

planned to make a new CC core theme,.. but FFXIII took so long to update,. i am kinda puffed now,. ;p
Vegetano1 Wrote:Dude how is you!! :) School is good Hihi
Hi Everythings going swell here. I'm getting ready to move into a bigger house this next weekend, so that's good :D. Thanks for asking ;).

Vegetano1 Wrote:planned to make a new CC core theme,.. but FFXIII took so long to update,. i am kinda puffed now,. ;p
That's okay. I'm still content with 4.01m33 right now, so, since the Crisis Core theme is one of my favorite themes, I think I'll stick at 4.01m33 for just a little while longer ;).
Vegetano 1 How did you managed to get  full image in the sidebar?

because i get this... it gets smashed...

[Image: screenshot003ir2.png]
By mannyshame at 2008-11-07
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