Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Outlaw Star anyone?
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feinicks Wrote:
demonchild Wrote:Fudgeing awesome.

* demonchild goes search intensively.

no need to go searching intensively... just head out to a place with a box in its name!!! PeaceSpecky

Hmm, only half of the series is dual audio.  I have the old version of it, is there a way to take the English audio and combine it with the existing mkv to make it dual audio?

* games like a grrl googles
i remember when i first watch this when im 15 yrs old
how old are you now? no offense, but by your language, I would have assumed you to be something like 13!
english is not my native language
hellobonacua Wrote:english is not my native language

but math is apparently.
osnap1584 Wrote:
hellobonacua Wrote:english is not my native language

but math is apparently.

yeah i rather solve hundreds or thousands problem solving instead speaking in English

sry, but I find that a lame excuse!

but no worries! as long as I can understand what you are saying, I couldnt care what language you use (or its grammar)... 'cept math though... me sucks bigtime at math..
feinicks Wrote:ohh-kay!

sry, but I find that a lame excuse!

but no worries! as long as I can understand what you are saying, I couldnt care what language you use (or its grammar)... 'cept math though... me sucks bigtime at math..

ah next year I'll have to mix up with thirty other students taking a math major with my physics major. So I'm stuck doing AP Physics C and stuck doing AP Cal BC three periods in a row. Nana-o
funny thing is that I absolutely love Physics but hate maths!
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