funny, i did the same thing last night..
my black TA086's USB broken, then i took up 4GB MS then put into another white TA082..
My TA082 was in GEn2, with my Vista theme flashed into flash0 (cause cxmb was not released atm..), so i decided to make a clean flash0 with GEN2...
I ran ELFmenu, Nandmanager, and found a GEN2 clean image there, then I restored it....
Started PSP, black screen. can't got into Recovery mode too...
I found a 3.71 image in 2GB MS, then restored again... work fine :)
i usually don't backup my nand
^^ I bet you will now :)
I use the UPT Pandora set up and it makes a NAND/Id backup or
checks to see if a backup has been made before it will let you use any of the tools.
Its kinda like a fail-safe (noob-proof)
^^^ I don't think he will :/
He will learn eventually.
One time, I was experimenting with TimeMachine when it was first out, and I was trying to get Devhook to run. When I started the emulation, the ids that got written corrupted my ids and I could only fixed it with Pandora. :( So I went through Mediafire and found my 3.71 M33-4 nand backup. Flashed, and was safe. Nand dumps are serious things. Another friend whose PSP I hacked got his Wifi all messed up, and I couldn't find a nand/ids key backup to fix it all up.
mines work with anyone's nand strange but true
It will but Adhoc/UMD doesn't work.
Unless you just fudged everyone's else PSP with your damn nand.
demonchild Wrote:He will learn eventually.
One time, I was experimenting with TimeMachine when it was first out, and I was trying to get Devhook to run. When I started the emulation, the ids that got written corrupted my ids and I could only fixed it with Pandora. :( So I went through Mediafire and found my 3.71 M33-4 nand backup. Flashed, and was safe. Nand dumps are serious things. Another friend whose PSP I hacked got his Wifi all messed up, and I couldn't find a nand/ids key backup to fix it all up.
lol I was gonna do that when it first came out after reading your post in -hacks I backed up my nand. Looks like you took one for the team.

I find it rather stupid to keep em on mediafire in case they suddenly find that they need to delete inactive files :p
And one of my friends PSPs wifi got screwed up from being pandored :(
I do daily backups of my nand, flash 0, flash 1 and IDStorage.
I also keep em in 3 different places: My main HD, My MP3 (Newest only) and My account.
Am I safe from a brick?
you only need at least 1 full backup of your nand, it is also good practice to have a seperate version of your idstorage as well, in fact the more backups the better - however the more you access your flash0 the more risk there will be of damage because it will wear out, and then even pandora and a full backup won't help you.