I'm terrible at making anything graphic wise.. can someone make me a sig? I'd like it to have Gavia in it, Endless Paradigm and the picture below. It's saved as a PSD so if you don't use photoshop tell me and I'll make it a BMP.
I'll make it at the end of the day when i get home from work if no one makes one first
im not really good at graphics and didnt really know what you wanted so here goes
i personally think it could have been better but anyway let me know what you think and if you want it changing and im sure some one else can do better then this..
Bardock turns super saiyan.
Thanks dedat it's nice.. but if anyone else wants to make me one, please =P
here its kinda half assed but I'm kinda lazy today its saturday :P
Double postDAMN i just realized i made it vertically instead of horizontally :P dumbass imma make another one
damn would you guys post screen shots jeez
wats up with the attachments?
i did have a screen shot up but its disappeared..lol, i can't remeber removing it, well any way, heres one..
hehe i knew what it looked like just was wondering