Endless Paradigm
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> CWCheat Update: cwcheatpops for 3.40 OE-A and older
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CWCheat Update: cwcheatpops for 3.40 OE-A and older
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21/04/2007, 07:13 AM
Weltall recently released another quick update for CWCheat. As you can probably guess, he's updated it to add support for the latest custom firmwares from Dark_Alex, namely 3.40 OE-A and older firmwares.
There don't seem to be any actual changes other than that, as his changelog doesn't expressly state anything new for CWCheat. He does mention in the title of the original download link that MC Support has been fixed, so you should be able to use all of the functions previously found in CWCheat v0.1.7 Revision B with this one.
- Source: [
21/04/2007, 07:21 AM
Great. I know alot of people had been wanting it updated.
Endless Paradigm
PSP Customization
PSP Misc Discussion
PSP News
> CWCheat Update: cwcheatpops for 3.40 OE-A and older
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