Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Post your first sig ever!!!!!
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After seeing Tetris's first sig, decided it would be fun if wee could see how much wee've improved, and how much wee sucked befors DX

[Image: leonhartcopydm1.jpg]
[Image: untitled2copyon9.png]

you cannot beat my suckiness!
[Image: Project1copy.png]

ah.. the memories!!!
Mine was TERRIBLE :P

[Image: sigcopy.jpg]
The 1st one I made was the one I just took off recently. The moving sig with 2 people fighting.

I can't remember where I put the link now, I'm sure you remember what it looks like.
I liked that one!!!!
mine sucked so much balls

[Image: spawnsig.jpg]
lol rockhead I remeber when you said you didn't like the text for mine and I didn't understand why :P now I do....
MehHakker Wrote:lol rockhead I remeber when you said you didn't like the text for mine and I didn't understand why :P now I do....

lol yea i didnt like the font for the 2nd line the first was good lol
Here's my first two sigs. Did them at the same time so you could say my first!!
[Image: ilikehehe.png]
[Image: Ivy3.png]
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