Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Old Game Name???
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I CAN'T REMEMBER the name of a game that MIGHT of been included in Windows 95 OR 98....

It involved a ball (or more balls at higher levels) moving around, and the aim of the game was to drag a line across, and if it made the other end in time, it would clear the minority area off, making a smaller area for the ball to bounce in, when the player cleared enough space, the player advances to the next level.

If the ball its the line as it is being made, the player loses a life..


They also have this game remade for Linux!
i used to love JezzBall!!  They have a hoembrew copy of it made for psp I think
hibbyware Wrote:JezzBall

THANK YOU hibbyware, that game is GENIUS.
hmm....It sounds like a qix rip off
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