Cool I'll just update to the 3.30 OE-A' one first to see something.
Ohh Yes ,The Customs Work.Gracias Dark Alex.
mm cool i just saw this on -hacks!! :P
I just updated and the custom icons do NOT work on 3.40 OE-A for me.
|-Anubis-| Wrote:Its just that nothing happens when you click the Certificate Utility.
double you tee eff does the certificate utility do? I've clicked it and it says "there is no data."
|-Anubis-| Wrote:Custom icons work.
Its just that nothing happens when you click the Certificate Utility.
:) sony removed the liseaning(urg spelling) tools in 3.40
I wounder why the icon is still there is the vshmain is the one that calls it.
So do I use the same 3.30 topmenu? or can I just use any?
WOOO i go to sleep i wake up and 3.40 is out?
How long wos i sleeping? lol
when i first say the title of this, i thought it was a joke