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I remember having to rip the english version of this song from the youtube video and making it an mp3 for incadude.  Catchy song :P
Hellgiver Wrote:I remember having to rip the english version of this song from the youtube video and making it an mp3 for incadude.  Catchy song :P

Theres a whole album XD
MICk3Y Wrote:
Hellgiver Wrote:I remember having to rip the english version of this song from the youtube video and making it an mp3 for incadude.  Catchy song :P

Theres a whole album XD

O M G FacepalmFacepalm
MICk3Y Wrote:
Hellgiver Wrote:I remember having to rip the english version of this song from the youtube video and making it an mp3 for incadude.  Catchy song :P

Theres a whole album XD

Bah, it was more fun my way!  He gave me a url to the youtube video and asked me to rip the mp3 off.  Also, I hadn't known about jimmyr.com back then.  Otherwise I'd probably have checked there first.
Hellgiver Wrote:
MICk3Y Wrote:
Hellgiver Wrote:I remember having to rip the english version of this song from the youtube video and making it an mp3 for incadude.  Catchy song :P

Theres a whole album XD

Bah, it was more fun my way!  He gave me a url to the youtube video and asked me to rip the mp3 off.  Also, I hadn't known about jimmyr.com back then.  Otherwise I'd probably have checked there first.

http://www.flv2mp3.com/ XD
Already have a program that does that.  I had only used it a couple times and when he asked if someone could help, I saw a chance to actually help on this site.  Downloaded youtube video to flv, then ripped song from flv.  I didn't really think it'd be a popular song, so didn't bother checking any of my P2P programs.  Took under 10 minutes anyways.
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