Endless Paradigm

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I will rename this thread to exploring EP

all other links say invalid forum and such...These are no access


this one is interesting... I think I'll make it my hiding spot

what the hells with this one? They almost appear to be pages for theme designs or something

zinga's blog (note careful around the 51's it seems to be the blog section)
http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/forumdi...php?fid=55 (wow that's some blog you got there)
http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/forumdi...php?fid=62 (after reading the first entry I'm pretty damn convinced she is a girl)

If I get one more thread closed in the forum that has "no rules" I'm going to be pissed...
Moving on

These are no access

http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/forumdi...php?fid=31 (this one turns out to be the mybb testing forum that the other thread is a looparound for)
http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/forumdi...hp?fid=122 (OH COME ON!! jokes over I still can't access it?!?)

this one is interesting... I think I'll make it my hiding spot
http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/forumdi...php?fid=74 (this one is interesting too)

what the hells with this one? They almost appear to be pages for theme designs or something

zinga's blog (note careful around the 51's it seems to be the blog section)
http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/forumdi...php?fid=55 (wow that's some blog you got there)
http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/forumdi...php?fid=62 (after reading the first entry I'm pretty damn convinced she is a girl)
http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/forumdi...php?fid=71 (I like this guy)


Reroutes page for unknown reason
http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/forumdi...hp?fid=107 (Goes to main page continues until 110)
http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/forumdi...hp?fid=115 (goes to 88)

That's everything from 1 to 150... It looks like the forum ends at 130 but I'm not sure about that
you do realize that threads that old have proabably long since been deleted...
roberth Wrote:you do realize that threads that old have proabably long since been deleted...
he is looking at forums... not posts...
fid=**** - not tid=****
For anyone interested, some forums have been made, then deleted.

Just because you found a gap in between FIDs, doesn't mean much, it just means that the forum once existed, then was deleted later on.  This site has undergone many structural changes, so that sort of activity isn't uncommon.

The "MyBB Testing Forums" was made by me, when I was planning to showcase some MyBB themes.  Never really used it, and I actually totally forgot about it.  It's been removed now.

Some forums are indeed redirects - if you look at the actual forum rather than try to look at the FID.
wow i remember doing that along time ago

also did it with the profiles and threads....
Reference URL's