Endless Paradigm

Full Version: ?? If You Had Super Powers what would they be ???
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mine would be x-ray vision

Definetally flying. I've wanted to fly since I was a kid and that will always be my favourite super power.

But don't get me wrong, I like your idea of X-Ray vision.. could have some serious fun with that.
Time travel... :O
I don't like time travel.. The space time continuum can spontaneously combust.
The ability to change the permittivity of empty space.
I don't understand..
no it will not look at Dr Who !!

Double post
Permittivity is a physical quantity that describes how an electric field affects and is affected by a dielectric medium, and is determined by the ability of a material to polarize in response to the field, and thereby reduce the field inside the material. Thus, permittivity relates to a material's ability to transmit (or "permit") an electric field.

It is directly related to electric susceptibility. For example, in a capacitor, an increased permittivity allows the same charge to be stored with a smaller electric field (and thus a smaller voltage), leading to an increased capacitance.
Gavia Wrote:I don't understand..

The speed of light depends on the permittivity of empty space. To make a long story
short, if I could alter the permittivity of empty space I could travel at infinite speeds
with a single step and, according to Hawking, I could also travel backward and forward
in time at will, as well as destroy the earth, disrupt the very fabric of the universe, etc.

Though technically I could still never reach the speed that light would travel, so I don't know about the time travel thing.
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