Endless Paradigm

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huh what's this thread?
wait............... have you noticed how both battle mods are in the same team >.>
andrewcc Wrote:wait............... have you noticed how both battle mods are in the same team >.>

Well, kaiser started it, and i asked and im always on. Besides, the team leaders are also battle mods :D
Oh so I'm a battle mod??? Kool....
i could be  a battle mod cause im always on so if u  need extras im always open :D
rockhead Wrote:i could be  a battle mod cause im always on so if u  need extras im always open :D
MehHakker Wrote:Oh so I'm a battle mod??? Kool....

yes you are <_<

you just can't be a mod for a battle you're currently on
Ahhh OK :P
I suggest that the battle mods be kept to a minimum amount of them cause wee don't need 10 battle mods.

I say 3 is fine.

Also Rikku this is just the thread where Kaiser announced the new way of requesting a battle and such amirite?
Pages: 1 2 3 4
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