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"Custom Firmware Extender" by Cpasjuste @ http://mydedibox.fr/ is a set of two plugins for Dark_alex
custom's firmware, that will, like the title say, add some extra options to the SONY PSP.

With "Custom Firmware Extender 1.3" you should be able to :
  • Start and stop a ftpd server while under the VSH (PSP Menu) to transfer files via WIFI (WEP,WPA).
  • Reset the PSP with a button while under the VSH (PSP Menu) or in-game (UMD/ISO).
  • Power off the PSP with a button while under the VSH (PSP Menu) or in-game (UMD/ISO).
  • Change the speed of the PSP CPU/FSB while under the VSH (PSP Menu) or in-game (UMD/ISO).
  • Start and stop Usb Mass Storage under the VSH (PSP Menu) while browsing.
  • Take a screenshot while under the VSH (PSP Menu) or in-game (UMD/ISO) saved in the PHOTO folder.
  • Set a default CPU/BUS speed at startup.
  • Set Usb Mass Storage at startup.
  • Configure your buttons mapping (combo button + your selected button).
  • Enable brightness button to go to the max level.

  • Fixed to work on Dark Alex 3.30OE Firmware.
  • Capture folder is now set to "ms0:/PICTURE" create it if it don't exist.
  • Removed 4th brightness hack since it's now built in DA 3.30OE firmware.

Nice fix for 3.30 :)

Thanks incadudeF for posting!
hmm interesting
Cool something i can use.
Hell yeah! I definitely like the wifi ftp.
I like the power off and CPU things
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