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Full Version: For those who can read Jap or Chinese should play this game.......
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Well... ya as the title said.... lol... cause, if u can't... there is not much point to play this game unless it has English Translation which I dunno of... ;)

OK, this is.... I can say is 1 of the best RPG in terms of story lines, Music, etc... This game is called "The Legend of Heroes VI - SORA NO KISEKI"

It is on both PC and PSP and already has 3 eps -  FC, SC and the 3rd.... I already played FC and SC (in Chinese course) and waiting for the 3rd to release in July.... (Jap version already released)

OK... here are something about this game on yotube.....

Source: YouTube

Source: YouTube

Source: YouTube

Source: YouTube

The 3rd:
Source: YouTube
I know a lot of ppl who play these asian games and can't read or hear what's going on :P
Ge64 Wrote:I know a lot of ppl who play these asian games and can't read or hear what's going on :P

but then they missed the main point of playing this kind of game.... lol... "Enjoying the Story"....
well if you want the game translated, i doubt that is likely to happen

game patches are a very touchy subject, that means; they're EXTREMELY hard to make

why? because you need to hack the game first, and you need a coder that can change japanese fonts, etc within the game. also your forgetting the fact that translating a game takes a lot of time and effort

If your looking for a translated script, i guess that wouldn't be too hard; but it would be still hard to translate anything. Someone needs to be willing to do it.

Bottom Line? I guess doing these things always takes a long time, you need a very generous person (or group) to come along and listen to your request.

but the chances are slim, hope you find someone :P

P.S. no i don't speak Japanese, but i know azumi can.

pm him or something :P
Tetris999 Wrote:well if you want the game translated, i doubt that is likely to happen

game patches are a very touchy subject, that means; they're EXTREMELY hard to make

why? because you need to hack the game first, and you need a coder that can change japanese fonts, etc within the game. also your forgetting the fact that translating a game takes a lot of time and effort

If your looking for a translated script, i guess that wouldn't be too hard; but it would be still hard to translate anything. Someone needs to be willing to do it.

Bottom Line? I guess doing these things always takes a long time, you need a very generous person (or group) to come along and listen to your request.

but the chances are slim, hope you find someone :P

P.S. no i don't speak Japanese, but i know azumi can.

pm him or something :P

no no.... i dun need a translator.... cause, I already played it in Chinese version... ;) I make this thread is only recommend this game to ppl who havent played it yet.. ;)
Tails Wrote:
Tetris999 Wrote:well if you want the game translated, i doubt that is likely to happen

game patches are a very touchy subject, that means; they're EXTREMELY hard to make

why? because you need to hack the game first, and you need a coder that can change japanese fonts, etc within the game. also your forgetting the fact that translating a game takes a lot of time and effort

If your looking for a translated script, i guess that wouldn't be too hard; but it would be still hard to translate anything. Someone needs to be willing to do it.

Bottom Line? I guess doing these things always takes a long time, you need a very generous person (or group) to come along and listen to your request.

but the chances are slim, hope you find someone :P

P.S. no i don't speak Japanese, but i know azumi can.

pm him or something :P

no no.... i dun need a translator.... cause, I already played it in Chinese version... ;) I make this thread is only recommend this game to ppl who havent played it yet.. ;)

lol, sorry i must've misread the title.....

yeah i can't speak Japanese so i probably won't be able to enjoy this game :P
tetris...nihongo ga hanase mas ka?
i love  sora no kiseki fc and sc...best game's ive played on the pc including ys' origin. :)
you mean the chinese version for the psp is available????
Slushba132 Wrote:tetris...nihongo ga hanase mas ka?

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