Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASE] XMBeditor V.2 for 3.90 M33
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[Image: 2nq7dkn.png]

**** V.2 CHANGES: *********

-Should have fixed all compatiblity issues with PSP PHAT models

- Made process of flashing theme 2 - 3X faster

- Added color selector for XMB date/time

- Added color selector for XMB busy signal

- Added color selector for XMB Battery

- other small bugs fixed

*If you did not install your Firmware with Despertar del Cementerio, you need to use the attached tool by Marce82 to unlock your flash0 files.


XMBeditor is a PSP based application that aims to meet the all the needs of the advanced PSP theme enthusiast.  Formally, "PSP Wardrobe"; XMBeditor has now taken a new direction.  Going from just a theme/mod manager - to now also be a fully capable XMB editing tool.

Now able to edit the binary values of both .prx and .rco files, it now offers a much deeper level of XMB manipulation.


- For ALL model PSP (PHAT or SLIM)
- Manage unlimited themes
- Manage unlimited xmb mods
- Fullscreen previews for all themes/mods
- audio previews for click sounds/boot sounds
- recovery system runs from app, and M33 Recovery Menu
- XMBeditor creates recovery from your own flash
- backup/restore current xmb theme
- Create-A-Theme
- Flash0 Free Space Manager
- Wallpaper Tool  [Set your wallpaper behind your xmb waves]
- Auto Flash0 Optimization for PSP PHAT
- can handle ANY theme (homescreens and all !!)
- Lots of safety checks (firmware, battery, paf decrypted ect...)
- Wave Tool [on/off, speed, size, color, position]
- paf.prx Editor [change text color, size, glow blink rate, ect...]
- will automatically write wallpaper to Flash1, if it's in a theme

[Image: 2r7u9z7.gif]
omg omg omg omg omg omg omg O_O yipi!!

I've wated to try this since it didnt work on my phatty

thanks mr shizzy!!: D
OMG!!!!! ITS HERE!!!!!! Lolz, thanks Mr. Shizzy. I'm glad that you improved on the theme flashing time. I wasn't complaining too much because it was so efficient at flashing the theme. Once again, another quality production from the one and only, Mr. Shizzy!

Pandora-ing down to 3.90 to checkadisout
would like to try this but keep getting Error "bad argument #3 to print (color expected,got nil)".im on 390 M33-3 with 150 addon also stock xmb just gameboot and opening_plugin.rco are changed.

EDIT--»i put the original files in and did the flash0 thing even though its from Despertar del Cementerio but still same error.
Wow..most amazing theme flasher ever!!

Very impressive Mr Shizzy!!
Lolz, you think so too?
highboy Wrote:would like to try this but keep getting Error "bad argument #3 to print (color expected,got nil)".im on 390 M33-3 with 150 addon also stock xmb just gameboot and opening_plugin.rco are changed.

EDIT--»i put the original files in and did the flash0 thing even though its from Despertar del Cementerio but still same error.

When exactly did you get this error ??
It must be a problem caused by the lua compiler i used...  I only compile the source so some n00bs don't start releasing modified versions that cause mass PSP bricks.  Which of course would be confused with my release, and I would end up with the blame  Nana-o

SchmilK Wrote:Wow..most amazing theme flasher ever!!

Very impressive Mr Shizzy!!

MoseZ Wrote:Lolz, you think so too?

Thanks guys.  The positive feedback has motivated me to immediately begin work on an update with more features  :)
"Default Gameboot {INVERTED}" i like this one!!

Great App!!
Long Live bro Shizzy!
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