Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2
Why is it in the online.php everyone is always reading [VOTING] SOTW #40  ??

I think its a bug .?.?.?  it has to to with the "Last week's "SoTW" competition winner by Multiple Winners"

it makes Who's Online show everyone viewing the SOTW #40 when they are viewing the index?
lemme test something...

EDIT: apparently that wasn't it...
(in the image url of the sotw thingy i had the url of the week 40's voting...)

EDIT2: the number decreased greatly...

just what i thought...
i don't see anything,

i see people veiwing the index page
Looks the same to me. Hmmm

I love this though.

Guest 	11:07 PM 	Using PM System 

there was a bug, but i fixed it,

lemme put the firts sotw voting for you to see it...

it isn't actually when its multiple winners... its when you put a url in the image area...
[Image: sotw1.jpg]

There are more now...
yeah and im not viewing it
[Image: lolz-1.jpg]
^^ yeah that
[Image: happens.jpg]
Pages: 1 2
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