Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [SIG] Devil Girl; or something along those lines :P
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Pages: 1 2
Mmmmmm looks really nice!!! XD
Simple, Gorgeous.

Love it Tetris..
have my graphics babies.
here u go man

[Image: 1212926864013fk8copy.png]

EDIT: i just noticed theres some choppy edges Sadist ill redo it sometime later for u
here's what I've come up with

[Image: 1212926864013fk8copy.png?t=1213133957]
see what my problem was my transparency setting is set to dark so i didnt really see the choppy ness so ill redo it later
rockhead Wrote:see what my problem was my transparency setting is set to dark so i didnt really see the choppy ness so ill redo it later
i beleive you believe.Peace
Chaoticgamer Wrote:
rockhead Wrote:see what my problem was my transparency setting is set to dark so i didnt really see the choppy ness so ill redo it later
i beleive you believe.Peace

lol what?
andrewcc Wrote:here's what I've come up with

[Image: 1212926864013fk8copy.png?t=1213133957]

lol, at first i was like WHOAH! that's good!

but then i put it on a black background and noticed that it had all these weird spots around it :P

but anyway thank you guys so much for re-rendering it for me, its obvious you care :P

P.S. I've Re-Rendered it :D

[Image: 1212926864013fk8uz2.png]
Pages: 1 2
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