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Full Version: BoxTorrents= nice banners
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box torrents has some real nice banners, if you have noticed. Some are outright hilarious! Posting my favs:

[Image: deathnotechibi.png]

[Image: bleachyachiken.png]

[Image: lelouch.jpg]

[Image: chibisunanoninja.jpg]

[Image: eurekaseven.jpg]

[Image: ebichuman.png]
check out the entire collection here: http://www.boxtorrents.com/banners.php
Chibi + Purple Gradient + Simplicity = Win
Hahaha!!! Those are hilarious!!!
I like how the name, not to mention the link in the thread, directs to an illegal torrent website. XD
Wolf Wrote:I like how the name, not to mention the link in the thread, directs to an illegal torrent website. XD

Hahaha!!! OH YEAH!!!!
lelouche Code geass is a great render.
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