Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Naru-Splash AKA naru-fag AKA naruto
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the most annoying character in anime ever found of all time; its NARUFAG!

i actually like naruto so that's probably why i made this (the kid naruto is funny, shippuden is too serious for old naruto fans :P)

this was just me playing around with pixelation in photoshop, then it turned into a sig

now im using it :D

[Image: NaruSPLASH.jpg]
I noticed like, nobody commented....

I think its wicked... very icy and fresh... nice text too.
I commented but I couldn't post it due to an 11 HOUR POWER CUT!!!! Erk

Anyways I was saying that it looked great and the effects are brilliant!!!
urk, mehakker your using the sig already?

it was supposed to be the entry............i think it still counts right?

Anyway, i guess a lot of people don't like (hate) naruto :D

it was the thing that got me into anime so ill use this for a bit then make some other one (it was an experiment and then it turned into a sig :P )
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