Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PRX offset 3.95 - in HBK format
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sry forgot to mention... 3.90 works fine but 3.95 doesn't

opened the music_player.prx then loaded music_player 395.hbk
no values...it's emptyNana-o
kenzodragon Wrote:sry forgot to mention... 3.90 works fine but 3.95 doesn't

opened the music_player.prx then loaded music_player 395.hbk
no values...it's emptyNana-o

that's whot i was trying to explain,. you can enter the value yourself in the left down window after "float" ;)

the float is the values row in the bookmark list,. ;p
yaaaiiyy arigatou gozaimasu xD or in english thank u very much xD
I'll try it tomorrow, I'm going to bed now =_= so tired
new music player offsets or tested,. ;) for 3.95

000418DC    141       141 X position playing time songs longer then 60miin
000418E0     ?        X position (/) songs longer then 60min
000418e4    ?        X position (:) for songs longer then 60min
help, who to delete the shadow of font and fixed the focus of icon please (3.95 gen^^) Nanana
is there any more  offsets in visualizers.prx
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