Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Say something about the person above you........Again
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Turtle Rapist!!!! Gets raped by Wolf!!!!!!

Great GFXer!!!!!!! Spammer spammy sPa/\/\ spam!!!
he ran shirtless with the trojan guy because he thinks he is the sexiest bitch alive
Dunno what part of Ireland he lives in but I've been to the south of Ireland...............

He likes squeezing little kids faces........>.>
Knows his guitar.
Used to have an avatar of a ostrich (or an emu).
low rep
Has a sig by Senseito really a girls name Sakura
Shouldnt isult Sensei, who is a much more respected member than said above poster
Can't understand when the poster above him is joking but other than that a really cool guy
His threads always have meaning and are never sPa/\/\ >_>

lol he has the lowest rep count for someone who has posted as much as he has, but I don't care :P
People change goddamn it!!!!!
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