Endless Paradigm

Full Version: what's the most compressed file have ever seen?
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I have a 773 MB Dreamcast rom compressed to 17megs, takes exactly 20 seconds to extract. Win Rar file to O_o.
Meh, write a program to make a 10GB blank file, and compress - you'll probably end up with a file less than one MB... Erk
Madhusa Wrote:I have a 773 MB Dreamcast rom compressed to 17megs, takes exactly 20 seconds to extract. Win Rar file to O_o.

Whoa » that is compressed to the max :eek:
Yeah that's maybe cause the dreamcast rom is mainly emptyness.
give me a link
uharc is better than winrar, but takes longer i think, and KGB archiver seems to be even better than uharc. it sucks for unarchiving zip files though cause it seems to forget some of the files :/ so just use winrar or winace or winzip or winwhatever for that.
^^What about 7Zip?  I know 7Zip is better than UHARC, plus it's a more standardised format.
i just use winrar for uncompressing everything, rar is the most popular archive anyway and it supports a lot of files. by the way i HATE compressing things, it takes ages and lots of space and usually it gives you nothing. only when I need to send a bunch of scripts (like php files) i rar them and they shrink to 10% or something. works for me.
now how the hell did this get into random insanity?

sorry for extreme bump of thread. i just wanted to see some ep history
I saw Windows longhorn edition in 1.4mb.

That's using KGB archiver,.
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