Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 3.90, 3.95, 3.96.....Why Is Sony Stalling?
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So why do you think Sony is stalling? With the latest Umd update release of 3.96 and it's not put on the Sony servers why not? Is Sony hiding something from us, or was it to patch and exploit? And why aren't wee getting 4.00 yet? Ask yourself, is Sony afraid that if they release 4.00 that it will get hacked within a couple days proving that Sony has poor security and that the little man over powers the big industry.
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[Image: 9balar.jpg]
It's a conspiracy.
where is the 3.96.eboot ???
There is not 3.96 Eboot., the update is on the Umd game Hot Shots Golf Open Tee 2.
akide Wrote:where is the 3.96.eboot ???

Hot Shots Golf 2 UMDs.


About Sony stalling, it seems for an donkey reason. Just giving us a longer time whine about DivX and all that.
i dunno, i think the 3.96 was a patch of an exploit they must have found, or maybe just a patch for a bug. as for the reason off not releasing 4.00, maybe theyre just trying to make it bug-free/adding more feature?
i don't know really..
I personally don't believe 4.00 will as big as it's rumured to be. I think Sony is stalling to make us wait and make us want it more. Just my thoughts :/
prolly ^^^

or maybe they want to get the small updates doen first, so that they have time to see how to implement all the ruored jazz with the basic requirements..
my  guess is,. they are still working on the screenshot function, divx suport and all other cool thingy's that are suposed to come with the new update 4,.
perhaps theyre working hard to try and live up to the hype, but don't want it too seem like they arent releasing at all
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