New to the PSX convertion to PSP.

Currently I have the EBoot for FFVIII and really dying to play it in my PSP... However, even after placing the eboot into the Game folder in my MS, it shows as corrupted file. PSP is now running in ver 3.71 (PSP slim). Can someone help guide me on configs for console or is it that my Eboot is corrupted? HELP! Tasukete onegai shimasu

put it at ms0:/PSP/GAME/FFVIII/
it will show up then
Chaos Panda Wrote:put it at ms0:/PSP/GAME/FFVIII/
it will show up then
Thanks for the fast reply. I actually have 3 Game folders in my PSP and have tried putting in all folders but it still shows file as corrupted...

Are you using a ripped eboot, a dled eboot, a well-known dl'ed eboot? Did you make it via Zinga's popstationgui? Do you think you might have gotten rid of the popsloader on accident?
Hellgiver Wrote:Are you using a ripped eboot, a dled eboot, a well-known dl'ed eboot? Did you make it via Zinga's popstationgui? Do you think you might have gotten rid of the popsloader on accident?
Well the one I have is a dled eboot... and dun know what a posloader is. THe dled eboot only contained another Keys.bin...
MICk3Y Wrote:Do you have CFW???
Which custom firmware? Honestly too noob... haha

CFW is what dark alex made, you can't play iso, psx without CFW.
MICk3Y Wrote:CFW is what dark alex made, you can't play iso, psx without CFW.
Please advice what custom firmwares i would need. Thank u so much 4 ur time n patience...

latest by dark-alex is 3.90 m33