Endless Paradigm

Full Version: iD THIS A SUMDGE
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Sparker Wrote:
squee666 Wrote:IT NEeDED MOAR DESU~

[Image: f_2dj1i1im_e3e864f.png]

desufication committee approved.
[Image: 85239432ct9.png]
never is an understatment
bwt here's the car for the wedding

[Image: 2ewfvyw.png]
congrats! may you have a good honeymoon and ten kids! name them iD This a Sumdge Jr. 1 -10!

all in good spirits!
What a wonderfully beautiful ring!!!!

[Image: sumgdecopynw3.png]
feinicks Wrote:not meaning to be killjoy, but did this need a thread?

yes wee really don't need to see Every single thing that you accomplish
try posting the lot in a single thread.
lol this is why i love EP..

the sig looks like clouds on the left and a blood stain on the right.... doesn't match lol... keep practicing and youll get better...  you should make one thread and post all work stuff there if you want critism and people to see... just bump it when you add something and i know people will see... also if your gonna do art.. get a thick skin because people will scrutanize the hell out of you and your work so don't take anything to personal k...
metalgear08 Wrote:poo

i post poo poo sigs here all the time.Aha
Chaoticgamer Wrote:
metalgear08 Wrote:poo

i post poo poo sigs here all the time.Aha

if you read the thread, you'd realise this has NOTHING to do with how good the sig is...
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