Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PSP firmware 3.40 Coming????
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Firmware 3.40 is out.

Check out the Network Update icon. Sony is still showing the 3.30 version.

edit: never mind about the removing of the icons
Now wee wait for C+D to decrypt it, after that, wee wait for DAX to CFW it.  Then everyone's happy (except the devs and Sony perhaps). ;)
Zinga, it seems that they have removed the Certificate Icon :P
I am on 3.30 OE-A
network update lets me d/l an the update file!!!!

so is here NOW
my psp is a USA psp

[Image: 3.jpg]

it can be dump encrypted and you do get the reboot.bin
but when i decrypt it is stop at

/flash0:/kd/idcheck.prx expanded Unknown-2.80-tag 4C940DF0

and the psp stop freezes

i give it 1 to 2 days
Ryu Wrote:it can be dump encrypted and you do get the reboot.bin
but when i decrypt it is stop at

/flash0:/kd/idcheck.prx expanded Unknown-2.80-tag 4C940DF0

and the psp stop freezes

i give it 1 to 2 days

I can fully decrypt it on my psp :D
idcheck.prx and all with no freezing
Hehe this is a joke. When will sony learn?
Really. The only worthwhile updates are the popstation ones.
And I don't even know what some of them do. Dynamic Normalizer?
so who will update?(not me)
fhqwgad_n4tiv3 Wrote:And I don't even know what some of them do. Dynamic Normalizer?
Normalization in audio manipulation has two possible meanings.  In this context, it basically makes quite sounds louder.

juan2320 Wrote:so who will update?(not me)
Looks like no one will update
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