Endless Paradigm

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[Image: 16kymvk.png]
something experimenting with icons

and by the way where i can find C4D and how can i smudge

[Image: 33ys50h.png]
c4d, try planetrenders.net
You smudge by right clicking on the blur(raindrop) tool and select smudge
MICk3Y Wrote:c4d, try planetrenders.net

and smuging
hellobonacua Wrote:[Image: 16kymvk.png]
something experimenting with icons

and by the way where i can find C4D and how can i smudge

you made that icon?
c4d as in the software? or the renders? if you mean the software, you can't "smudge" it. If you mean the renders, the use the smudge tool and adjust the brush size to that which is appropriate for the task at hand!

The renders can be found at DeviantART, planetrenders.com etc.. just google C4d renders or renders pack. The software can be found at various places.
diego Wrote:
hellobonacua Wrote:[Image: 16kymvk.png]
something experimenting with icons

and by the way where i can find C4D and how can i smudge

you made that icon?

no i only experiment with that the original icons is not like that can u help how to  smuging
to smudge, you press f5 and select the setting from there (scattering, other dynamics, shape dynamics ect)
why don't you go over some basic ps tutorials to refresh you concepts?
feinicks Wrote:why don't you go over some basic ps tutorials to refresh you concepts?

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