Endless Paradigm

Full Version: My XMB wave moves more...
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This is random so I thought I would post it here...Maybe some of you people already know this...

I am working on a theme & I want to use Vegetano1's paf.prx from is AVPR theme because it has the blink offsets in it but when I loaded it in it did something different to my XMB WAVE...I made it move around a little more & it also moves faster...hmmm, something that was altered in the paf caused a chain affect into my wave...When I take his paf out & flash a different one my wave goes back to its normal self...I wonder what it is....I don't need help just sharing with you all what happened...
after you take out V1 paf try to change your date to 3-3-2008 post result here.
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