Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Theme Pack for XMB Editor
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Hey, as soon as I seen Mr. Shizzy's new app out for 3.90M33 Themes, I went to work compiling a pack of themes that I enjoy, and thought, why not let everyone enjoy?
So here it is, 48 themes, all with Preview pics and all requried files.
All creator's credit goes to the original creators of these themes. I only take credit for putting them together.
Click Picture To Download

[Image: UploadPreviewPicture.jpg]

This pack was put together in the folder format for XMB Editor, but can be used for anything.
very nice collection :)
Cool dude thanks, im sure somebody will find this useful
:( none of my theme's are  in it!!!!! Burning you should add FFCC and AVPR !!
Thank you! It kept me up untill for in the morning finishing it, I'm so glad that I got it done. . .
Great Work.  I didn't even have that many themes on mine  :p

I'll be adding them to my memory stick.

Which by the way, has been the reason for a hold up on updates.  
I'm hoping my new 16 GB MS will be here today...  I sold my 8 GB to help finance it...  :(
Thanks for adding my 4 themes-
Sanity Black
yeah my theme i mean my theme with sahil
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