Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Need Help In FF7
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And no, not CC. The PSX version you Cloud haters. Anyways, I managed to get out of prison and I got the buggy. I read the guide and it said to head to Gongonga. The thing is that I can't find it on the map, and the battles in between the travels are annoying me. (Especially the Frog Song ones) Can anybody take my save file, put me in Gogonga, re-save and then send it back to me. (If PSX saves really work that way.) Thanks,


Gongoga is the broken reactor, but you don't have to head there, you can go straight to the place i can't remember the name of in the mountains

I can't do it for you, i don't have ff7 on my PSP atm, but hopefully that will help?
You have to get out of the vehicle too.
Jump out of car and have sex with TifA! not Aries* tifa!!
Once you meet the chocobos dance with them by giving chocobranS![Image: dancechocobodance_mistressashelia.jpg]

congratulations...you've finished the game!!
[Image: map.gif]

Gongaga is near the middle bottom. Go toward that area.
Kk. Thanks guys. Managed to get there myself and keep the buggy. ^_^
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