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Full Version: AutoBoot Fixer 1.0
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Quote:AutoBoot Fixer by Red Squirrel
http://redsquirrel.pspgen.com «English
http://redsquirrel.forumitalian.com « Italian

What's it?
As you maybe know, the "Autorun program at /PSP/GAME/BOOT/EBOOT.PBP" function of all CFs Recovery Men˘ does NOT work in last CFs (from CF 3.51M33 I think).
This is a simple plugin for all PSP (Slim and Phat) that fixs this function bug!
If you enable plugin, you will can use the "Autorun program at /PSP/GAME/BOOT/EBOOT.PBP" function without issues, like in past D.A. CFs.

Why a similar release?
Because this seem be the "golden age" of alternative shell for Sony PSP, so there are many people that would use the "autoboot" function to launch their favorite shell.

-Fixed "Autorun program at /PSP/GAME/BOOT/EBOOT.PBP" function.
If you enable "Autorun program at /PSP/GAME/BOOT/EBOOT.PBP" function in Recovery Men˘ (and this plugin is enabled too!) it works with no issue!
So EBOOT.PBP located in /PSP/GAME/BOOT/ will be launched on console boot.

How to Install
Like all plugins... copy PRX file in ms0:/SEPLUGINS, open (or create if t does not exist!) VSH.txt file and add this line at first position: ms0:/SEPLUGINS/AutoBootFixer.prx
Then from Recovery Men˘ go to Plugins page and enable it.

To God.

cintro anyone? :D
So wee can use cintro again?!?!?
roe-ur-boat has already fixed autoboot lkike 3 days ago and has made a working cintro

wee are just trying to make it run the pbp from flash1 though

so no plugins and memorystick needed
Speaking of roe, where is he, havent seen him around recently

Awesome plugin by the way, to stay on topic
this is great news and to be intergraded in flash1 would be the icing on the cake.
how about the issue that this plugin should be the only one enable in order to work?
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