Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Oi. Jeeves.
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Pages: 1 2
Quote:Ask Jeeves
06:41 PM
Using PM System

Having cyber sex with YahooSlurp? I guess they didn't put a "slurp" in there for nothing...
Oh god. Bots having sex? What the fuck, Internet, what the fuck?!
Jeeves has capabilities to satisfy Yahoo! ???

Who'll ever know.........

........... Zinga, actually, if he is able to get into the PM Database :p
Yeah...before it was a 3some with GoogleBot aswell but know it's just Yahoo and Google making out....they've been at it for months now.....
It's like the cats outside my window having sex last night and it prevented me from sleeping.
diego Wrote:It's like the cats outside my window having sex last night and it prevented me from sleeping.

wow lol

that reminds me of the rabbits that were doing it outside my window yesterday.......
I once saw a white birdie getting raped by a black birdie, the white birdie kept trying to leave but the black birdie mounted her. Makes me scared of black birdies :/
lol @ semi-off-topic :D

maybee jeeves is getting pointers on how to date googlebot or sumthin..
Tetris999 Wrote:
diego Wrote:It's like the cats outside my window having sex last night and it prevented me from sleeping.

wow lol

that reminds me of the rabbits that were doing it outside my window yesterday.......

also like those 2 people having sex in my backyard
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