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Red or Silver blue
I like on other ppl
I wish I had slightly dark silver hair but I have black instead
oh well :p
iggrull Wrote:
Hellgiver Wrote:Redheads are hawt!

my favorite as well, although i don't think i have ever met one who was not either a) taken or b) a fudgeing psycho

as for my preference for myself? always been brown...


Hottest I ever met was in a serious relationship with a friend Erk

metalgear08 Wrote:I have medium brown hair, and for some reason I'm subconsciously attracted to women with blond hair.

Most people in the US love blonds, but I don't prefer them.  I'd take a unique looking cute girl over a hot blond most of the time.  Most hot blonds would get lost in a crowd of other hot blonds, but that isn't how it is for most other hair types, from my experience.
Hellgiver Wrote:I'd take a unique looking cute girl over a hot blond most of the time.

same here... any day.. maybe that's why i love asian girls cause its unique in my area...
iggrull Wrote:
Hellgiver Wrote:Redheads are hawt!

my favorite as well, although i don't think i have ever met one who was not either a) taken or b) a fudgeing psycho

Well, I spend most of mah freetime here, guess that's gonna make me b. Hihi

Guys I'm with generally have brown/black hair, I've never dated a blond.

Friend of mine dyed her hair, damn near white with about an inch of black tips, everyone went crazy over her.
Games like a Grrl Wrote:Guys I'm with generally have brown/black hair, I've never dated a blond.

i used to dye my hair black with blue highlites so it shines dark blue in the sun... LOL
For myself? I like brown and black, i don't know probably because i was born with really dark brown so it has a nice brown shine when i go into the sun; but people get confused its black (its extremely dark brown)

For women i tend to like ones with dark hair too (i like brown especially for some reason :P) and blondes are also hot sometimes (oh come on, its not a stereotype); some red heads are hawt too ;)

i really think anyone (except people in animes :P) look pretty whack when they dye their hair blue, purple, green; or any neon color; it just looks weird :P
I've had my hair all different colours too, especially in my teens...
i don't really like girls with blonde hair..just not my thing. i prefer dark hair
and since i have a thing for asian girls anyway it works out perfect :)
Azumi Wrote:
Hellgiver Wrote:I'd take a unique looking cute girl over a hot blond most of the time.

same here... any day.. maybe that's why i love asian girls cause its unique in my area...

Asians Adore
anime: blue. black

real life: Black, brown...
Neon Green.
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