some of my latest graffiti
also heres a older drawing i did
C & C
Lol nice homer you got there.
I can never draw or do anything freehand.
I wish i could free hand anything like that. Good job

I got a question, is the Homer one on a piece of paper or on a wall? I can't tell.
either way though the homer graffiti looks real good. real nice job on that.
the homer is on wall with paint
the last pic is on paper
*®$нд∂¥©* Wrote:the homer is on wall with paint
the last pic is on paper
Nice, It takes alot of skill to do that. I'm also a real good freehand artist, But when it comes to graffiti, I suck at it. I almost got my donkey kicked for messing up my neighborhood's only wall
Very nice, I too lack the free hand, error free skills to do this, I need a PC with the magic CTRL+Z :D
Nice!!! :P I want to do some real graffiti on real walls.....but I can't......
Mexicanmade Wrote:*®$нд∂¥©* Wrote:the homer is on wall with paint
the last pic is on paper
Nice, It takes alot of skill to do that. I'm also a real good freehand artist, But when it comes to graffiti, I suck at it. I almost got my donkey kicked for messing up my neighborhood's only wall
practice makes perfect
ive been at it for about 6 almost 7 years
and i don't think I'll ever stop
and thanks guys for all the great comments