Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Flash0++ v1.0 Final
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[Image: flash0_qjgenth.png?690957]

The final version of Romain’s Flash0++ flash0 cleaner has been released. The minor bugs about this homebrew app have apparently been fixed and shouldn’t be popping up anymore. flash0++ now has a brand new graphical interface.


    * Interface graphic ENTIRELY remade.
    * More jerks (blinks, maybe? Babelfish is no help sometimes) in the menus
    * The menu is now in images.
    * New icon0 and pic1 by Eaigle

Flash0++ requires Custom Firmware 3.xx OE in order to run. Please check the readme file included in the download before you install this. It’s in French, though, so you might have to use a weblator. Remember to be very careful when using this app as there’s always a small chance of bricking your PSP.

Flash0++ v1.0 Final via QJ
Hmm, flash0 cleaner?  Hmm...
It deletes some files from your flash0 that you do not need.
like some files in /kd ;)
juan2320 Wrote:It deletes some files from your flash0 that you do not need.
My common sense states that if a file is unnecessary, Sony wouldn't have put it on the flash in the first place ;)
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:
juan2320 Wrote:It deletes some files from your flash0 that you do not need.
My common sense states that if a file is unnecessary, Sony wouldn't have put it on the flash in the first place ;)
he means, sony needs, you don't ;)
yes that's better like that
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