Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Windows 7 Demo Video::::iPhone ripoff anyone?
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Source: YouTube

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Ahhh i want that, never used an iPhone though
dude they previewed  that months befores iphone  
also hey put a phone on it and it mad a circle round it and thy could drag pictures to the phone and they transferred
All those rotating effects remind me of Mac OS X
Youtube vid pulled.

Anyways, like funnybutrandom said, and what I heard about Windows 7, I had 488MB of ram. (512MB but some dedicated for graphics card) Anyways, if everything runs on 480MB of ram, I'll be living a Windows Vista nightmare all over again. However, that multi-touch can come useful at times. Right now with what I have - useless..
Wait, how the fook can anyone use this without spending a few hundred on upgrading hardware?  What do you need in order to do this?
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