Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Anyone have this wave?
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It's a crappy quick drawing, but does anyone have this teal wave? It's sorta textured from inside to out and it is lighter inside and sorta gets darker toward the outside. It's not as curvy as I drew it here, but more straight-ended toward the outsides of the psp screen/wave.

[Image: waveiwantve8.png]

Thanks to anyone that has it...
this one?
[Image: smalltealvw2.jpg]
No, that's not it. Thanks though, Matchung... ^^
matchung Wrote:this one?
[Image: smalltealvw2.jpg]

If you could post that wave I would really appreciate it...
maxexcloo Wrote:
matchung Wrote:this one?
[Image: smalltealvw2.jpg]

If you could post that wave I would really appreciate it...

I think that wave is apart of this wave pack -» http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=804
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