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Full Version: FireNES: Firefox Plugin
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[Image: firefox.jpg]

FireNES is an incredible extension for Firefox that allows to play around 2500 games of Nintendo, without the necessity to lower neither to install emulators, nor ROMS, nor nothing. It is only necessary to install the extension and to play, in addition you will only need to have installed 1,5 Firefox or 1,5 superior and java or superior.

The operation is simple, once installed will appear us in the menu tools a new item “FireNes”, when doing click exceeds he will unfold in our navigator a listing near the 2500 games (ROMS) to which you will be able to play.

The controls of the game are the following:

    * Left: It shoots with an arrow Left
    * Right: It shoots with an arrow right
    * It arrives: It shoots with an arrow above
    * Down: It shoots with an arrow down
    * Select: Right control
    * To begin game: Enter
    * A: x
    * B: Z


install: http://www.firenes.com.ar/

Source:   The Playground
awesome got to try it
install: http://www.firenes.com.ar/
http://translate.google.com/translate?u=...l=es&tl=en translated version of firenes.com.ar
sounds interesting
Awesome. Only if I get get FF working perfectly at the computers at school. Anyways, is it only for FF 1.5 or am I reading this wrong?
and above demonchild, and above...
Yeh. Figured that the hard way. I like it, but the thing is that the speed is a bit too fast. Yes, you need them for every emu, but for this one, I think the devs should have left it at normal speed.
yeha  noticed whiel playign battletoads... play home alone 1... WORST GAME EVER!!.. also HARDEST
Well, that's a novelty idea...
When i first read this, i thought it was n64. :(
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