Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Help with RCO editor
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I have a little issue with the RCO editor 1.15c

What I do is, prepare a Icon with indexed color and a proper size, then I use the RCO to inject these icons to "top_menu_icon.rco" and then I make the theme with the XCMB pluggin, the psp boots on, the theme and the Icons are fine but after I move in the xmb some icons dissapears.. and so on.. then I restart the psp and I can see the icons again but then again when I move to another item, some icons dissapears again..How can I correct that bugs?

I use CF 3.80 m33-5 with the XCMB 3.1 pluggins.. Other theme works well... but if I edit them with the RCO then I have the problems described above..

Some please help me!
I think you'd probably be more likely to get a helpful reply by posting in the thread:


Some may be unhappy with you making a new thread about it.
upload your file & tell people what FW your on, then wee can help you 'maybe'
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