Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Funny Pokemon Comic Strip
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Pages: 1 2 3
That's right! I remember now! His name is DOUCHE!!!

Are you a girl??

lol/ (g)ood times..
that was uber lulz...... pokemon does have a really senseless opening
congratulations you discovered vgcats :D
Ah.. VG Cats.. VGCats is pure WIN.
[Image: 1636pokemonfireredversidw9.png]

Ain't I good?
So it's a girl vs a douche... and the douche has a "squirtle", and can only wag it's "thing"...
[Image: 1636pokemonfireredversiki7.png]

I love mah pokemanz!

[Image: 1636pokemonfireredversiyu3.png]
diego Wrote:[Image: 1636pokemonfireredversiki7.png]
I'll POKéMON thanks.
Pages: 1 2 3
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