Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Is anime for asians?
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I don't get it...

define "weird."  Why are you all weird? Just because you have a few tastes that vary from the common tastes in your respective societies? From what I have figured till now is that if people don't understand wht you do and for wht, then you are "Weird". People in this category like the fact that others know that they are weird (or want to think of themselves as different). But at the end of the day, wee all have the same needs. So what is this trivial issue about "I'm weird cause I like anime"! Its just like Geek and nerds are called so cause they arnt the hot shakes when it comes to socialism.

Wee have a right to freedom of choice. So how does it matter if others do not utterly approve of it?

I understand that wee (especially during teenage) suffer from the complex of being accepted in the society wee live in. To blend with our friends and be recognised  and even famous. Also its ultra difficult to "be yourself" in this world, which from the wee are born, makes us follow a pattern. But sometime in life, if you can think independently of others, you will go through the "Stand Alone complex". Then what others say will not influence you, if you want it not. Its upto you.

Your this thread proves your inability to think for yourself (sorry, but true). People love commenting on others problems (just as I am doing now! double you tee eff!) but you will have to decide. As you said, Tetris999 doesn't exist outside the internet, just as Feinicks will never come to real life. I suggest /name (whatever your real name be) take charge of their life. I will comment two things:

To be accepted into you society:
○ Either follow exactly what other expect of you. This way you will merge with your society (and lose the ever decreasing Individuality)
○ Think exactly what you do and why... sooner or later, people will abandon you, leaving you with those who actually understand you (and give you your real friends).
○ There is another way, but it may leave you with no friends, so I won't comment on that, as I sense you would die if that ever happened!!

whatever you do.. School and college is supposed to be fun... don't miss out on that. They do not come back.
Let's check a dictionary definition first:
1.  Of, relating to, or suggestive of the preternatural or supernatural.
2. Of a strikingly odd or unusual character; strange

Now, I think it's someone that does stuff that's different from the "norm". Everyone is weird in their own way, no matter what.
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