Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [UPDATE/RELEASE] AVPR theme NEW viz!!
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AVPR theme update! 5 june 2008

updated music_player.prx and visualizer_plugin.prx both to 3.90 prx files,.
the old viz prx semi bricked when playing for 30 min in second viz,.
i made 4 new viz and this time the second viz is original,.. the first viz is still the same,..
[Image: f_screen1m_71d716d.png]

Flash0 and CTF versions are reuploaded!!

Basicly all is custom,. enjoy!
update : changed a paf offset for better transition of main 6 icons
                                fixxed savedata bug for ingame game save,. had to replace a sound.
                                uploaded flash0 version with additinal osk_utility.rco and savedata_utility.rco for ingame save and keyboard
            NOTE: i might try ans switch some sounds arround but i had a lot of trouble fixxing the OSK and savedata for ingame,. :( so maybe update later.

update : icons/folders submenu's when in infobar position and msuic mp3,aac,atrac3 etc labels position's fixxed

update : viz "random icon" was lost >> fixxed! :)

Thanks! >> [Image: f_Paypalm_09ab8a1.png]
I am saving for a Wii !!

This theme got 35 RCO files and 20 prx files the Flash0 version suports ingame  OSK_utility and savedata_utility rco's.
All icon's have been changed in every single rco,.  (flash0 version soon)
Feature's: (all shadow icons are back in!!!! pfffffffffff control panels osk etc!)

-control panel icons made transparent with full glow behind it,. for extra button glow
-Custom bootsound and logo
-Custom click sounds all captured from the movie AVPR
-6 Main icon's all Glow icons and all normal icon's
-Floating screen pic
-Custom musicplayer menu viz menu custom viz's etc.
-Custom predator views 01-12.bmp
-Custom Scan wave with DA prx hack
-Custom OSK
-Custom Control panels, photo/camera/music/video/umd video
-Custom photo/music/video menu's
-8 sec gameboot
-Custom batttery/volumebar and all icon's that goes with that, mute/avls/pops,jazz etc
-M33 update/google.com/reboot
-UMD update removed and GO!Messenger enabled
-All help screens custom
-Infobars custom
-Alot of text edit's and other small stuff
-Custom slideshow
-custom USB screen
-custom text blink offset
-all text is predator font for icons

here is some screeny's:

NOTE:screenshots are to bright!!

[Image: avpr1.jpg]

[Image: avpr2.jpg]

[Image: avpr3.jpg]

[Image: avpr4.jpg]

[Image: avpr5.jpg]

[Image: avpr6.jpg]

thanks to http://members.iinet.net.au/~jaherne/the.../index.php for font and info!! ;p

-Dah Tools:
Dark_Alex(team m33), Team C+D, ZingaBurga, Ac_K, Blessedhands, highboy, z33, Vulpix,
Red Squirrel, Takashi, sKing,
         (='.'= )
         ( \ /  )
        ('')_('' )
         Poison :) CTF!!

-Offsets and other:
Schmilk, matchung, Bstronga, Gsmoke, MaDcOw, R!KKU, Shady545, hibbyware me and all other's!!
All @ EndlessParadigm

All thanks thx thanks!!

Download 3.90m33 CXMB CTF version

Download 3.90m33 Flash0 version
Nice theme Vegetano1,

* hibbyware waits for flash0 version,
interesting theme v1
u_c_taker Wrote:interesting theme v1

yes,. i tried to put in many motion,. like big glow icons, new font blink offset and busy icon,. you really got to try the theme to see how it is,.
also i noticed the screenshots a very bright,..
main feature of theme "red"! ;p

i like the gameboot!! 8 sec mix of movie,. by the way all stuff is captured from the movie AVPR,..

i finally got my own theme the way i want a theme to B! :)
Looks like a really cool theme :D Though iv never watched the movie :P
mp3punk05 Wrote:Looks like a really cool theme :D Though iv never watched the movie :P

try the gameboot! ;p
oooh this is gonna be fun!!   Loading up now !!

SchmilK Wrote:oooh this is gonna be fun!!   Loading up now !!

lol i hope you like whot i did,. >>> new offset!! well i found that "font blink offset" in 3.71 paf and looked for it in 3.90 but after i changed it i forgot to write it down,. :(,. looks really good with this theme,.!

i have added all shadow back in for control panels and osk etc,. also changed the osk,.

gameWOOT.pmf !! ;)

:( still could not change all font color,. but most is changed to red,. red is part of the theme,. for all who are going to cry "the theme is to red" ;p

01-12.bmp works fine 2,. not high res but its the predator vision,.

all text in the icons really spells system,photo,music,video,game and network in predator font,. lol lol

anyway enjoy
Holy Shat !!

this is one of the most impressive theme I have seen in a long time

Great work  :D
Mr. Shizzy Wrote:Holy Shat !!

this is one of the most impressive theme I have seen in a long time

Great work  :D

thanks Shizzy! :)

(anything on the font color for the main icons!?)
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